3 Easy ways to cook our meals.
We have a few methods that you can use to prepare your Mama Alles meals. The first two methods do not require a pot, just cold or boiling water. These methods are great if you want to reduce what you are carrying on a multi-day hike. Click on the titles to watch the quick video tutorials.
Simply fill the bag (with the food inside) with cold water, and let it soak for 1-2 hours. Make sure you have mixed the water throughout the bag, and add a bit more water if you notice it absorbs it all quickly. If you prefer to eat your dinner hot, you can heat it on the stove for 1-2 minutes.
For this method you will need a tupperware, hot water (boiled however you like - Jetboil, on the fire, or a regular stove), and your sleeping bag or jersey. Pour the contents of your food into a tupperware, cover with hot water (you can use your bag as a measurement and use 1.3 bags of water), stir so that the water is evenly distributed, put the lid on, and pop in your sleeping bag/wrapped in your jersey for 15 minutes.

The most popular method is to simply cook your meal on the stove. Using the bag as your measurement, pour 1.3 bags of water into the pot, covering the food. Cook for 8-12 minutes on a low heat. Make sure you put the lid on the pot. If you soak the meals before you cook them, this will reduce the cooking time.
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